Saturday, July 23, 2011

One bread, One body...

"United we stand, divided we fall."-Aesop

I've been taught that there is one body in Christ and that we all have our own way of expressing love, worship, graditude and occupation for God's plan in the world. I am in a Family group here at camp and we are discussing our vocation, God's calling for us in life. While reading and discussing the book Courage and Calling  and working at the camp and me graduating next year I am starting to wonder what and where I belong in Christ.

There is a verse in the bible in Romans that talks about how each of us is a part in Christ. We all have seperate calling that make up the body of Christ. It tells us to not be jealous of another part. This got me thinking: What part would I be? If I could pin point a specific body part in the body of Christ what would I resemble? After only a few minutes of thinking, the answer came to me. I kind of laughed when I realized, I would be an eye. No doubt an eye. There are two reasons for this thinking. The first: I am a photographer. I look through the lens to see all of which God created. I am one who shows you what God sees and what God created. I try to look at everything as God's precious treasure. I've strive to make everything beauitful for God. Also, I attempt to capture God's passion in those around me, especially here at camp. Now the second reason is a bit personal, but definitely applicable to why I am a God-eye. I have this undenying interest in peoples eyes. I believe you can tell someone's emotions by looking into their eyes. They can show what's deep inside. No matter if you're trying to hide emotions, if you read them right, the eyes will tell you what's really going on.

Knowing I can act as an eye for God's glory makes me feel like I have a purpose and a talent I use for God. There are other things I'm quite good at, but this, photography, this is what I love to do to show God to others.

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.  We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;  if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;  if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
 -Romans 12:4-8

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh how He loves ♥

What happens to someone who has become so strong, that they become weak? God picks them up in his arms. What happens to someone who has become blind to life around them? God brushes their eyes and shows them his beauty. What happens when someone goes lost and have a hard time coming home? God sends out his light ahead of them to guide them home. What happens when you realize this is what happened to you? You praise God for always being there.

After returning home from Italy I spent 2 weeks at home, spending time with my wonderful parents, friends and even fitting in time to visit my lovely boyfriend. It was a nice change of pace from city and school life. Although, part of me yearns to be back climbing those stairs just one more time to my apartment in Florence. After those two weeks were up, I was on the move again. This time I decided to go northward to some call Cedar Campus, and what others of us call home.

Those who have never been to Cedar Campus, I highly recommend it someday. This is, as Cedar Campus is known for, a place to meet God and be renewed. Now people are able to be campers here, while others of us enjoy being on crew working. I have been fortunate to be both here, like many other students who've come before me and are yet to come, but my purpose right now is to be crew. Cedar has become a place God has called me to, twice.

Seeing as I am on crew again this summer I thought it would be nice to keep updating my blog when I can about how things are going for those of you back home. I have been here at Cedar now for almost 3 weeks tomorrow. Many talk to me or are here ask what I do on crew. It's very hard to explain sometimes, but what it boils down to is serving God as the camp photographer. What an opportunity it is for me. Not only do I get to take pictures, but I get to take pictures in a place away from pollution and have God's beautiful creation preserved. Along, with getting to see new and old friends and most importantly renewing my relationship with God in a Christian community setting. Now as a photographer I have the privilege to see all the crew, meet all the new crew, and go back and forth between the two sides doing what I need to to get a good picture. I am in my element.

For only being here for 3 weeks I have come a ways as it is, spiritually and as a photographer. As a photographer I am learning the ins and outs of photojournalism by practice and not through a classroom, persay. I was always a hands on learner. Now spiritually, there were matters of the heart and matters of the mind that needed reforming and team work with God. I have come to realize that God is everywhere. There's always that feeling that he's not around, but it's not him, it's us. We are the ones who are lost. We are the ones who have to find God again. My eyes became foggy and couldn't see his works again. Which is a bit weird, because I am normally a person who always looks to God and would be the one to remind others God's mighty works around us. If I go hazy, what happens to the others around me I help uplift with Christ? Finding myself again was good and again an interesting event. After praying and having some one-on-one God time, I became more relieved. What happened next only a select few understood,a friend Kyle, myself and God. Searching through my bible for verses on joy, I started laughing. Not just giggling or snickering at notes I made to myself long ago in the past, but full out laughing for no apparent reason. I tried to hold it in and I couldn't contain myself. It was good. It was fun. I was smiling and filled with joy, not happiness, but joy from the Holy Spirit. It was one of those moments you just knew the Lord had been reconnected.

"Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
-1 John 4:8