Monday, May 16, 2011

When In Rome...

Rome was not built in one day. ~John Heywood 

 It didn't hit me that I was in Italy until recently. The past few days have seen like such a blur and yet so magical from all that has happened. Travelling from one end of bella Roma to the other. Along the way picking up words, food, and most of all memories.

The first of Italy I've experienced is Rome. This is a place that holds a special place in my heart, maybe not as much as what Florence will, but still a place is held there for Rome. The atomosphere around you is so unique to the American ears. Walking down the street you here multiple languages that you don't recognize. It's scary, it's exhilirating!

Now since I have been able to see basically all of Rome in 2 days, theres no way I can fit it all in one post, so I will talk about the things that I feel like sharing. =)

  This is the place that had death and murder as a best friend. A place of violence, a  place of peace and a place of importance to Ancient Roman culture. This is the Colosseo. The marble stands strong and stands firm against the sun and tourists. The ruins stand tall and proud of what they have endured, though they chill it gives is refreshing. Seeing this great ruin was amazing. I still have a hard time realizing I was there! I was seeing the history come to life! Now I do want to add a side note here, while staying in Rome, from our hotel you took a right and walked to the corner looked left and you saw the Colosseum! It was amazing.

The next place on our map was a bit more busy, bit more rich and a bit more wet. Fountina de Trevi. Now this place was really packed, but beautiful anyways and of course a must see. To me it was beauiful at night with the lights illuminating up the water and statues. It was just gorgeous. Yes, I did throw my coin with my right hand over my left shoulder to come back to Roma.

Now I think I had 2 favorite spots in Rome. One was the Sistine Chapel. I was where I needed to be. I think once stepping in there and seeing the "Last Judgement" on the wall a few feet in front of me I whispered "Oh. My God!" It was breathtaking to just see it all. It was hard to take it all in. I think I would of strained my neck from looking at the ceiling any longer. It was hard to realize I was surrounded by such history and such great art.  Though the placed was packed I felt at peace.

Now the last I will describe has to be my favorite thus far. It's hard how to describe how I feel about the Pantheon. When I learned about this place in class back in Michigan it was something else I needed to memorize for class, but being there in person was breathtaking. I, again, was at peace and in awe. To go in you walk through a few colomns then you pass through the 2 big doors and inside is decorated with all sorts of art. There are paintings, there are statues and gold leafing. As you look above you see a magnificent dome with a hole at the top. The sun streams down and warms the heart. Yes, it may not sound very special, but I think what made it extra special was when we were there touring it another touring choir started singing. I couldn't recognize what they were saying, but it didn't matter. My ears were swimming on the beauty of the sound and my eyes were consumed with everything around. The choir was the cherry on top of the whipped creme on top of the tastey gelato. It was perfecto!

I'm now in Florence and will have many more stories to tell when they come along. Although this is the same country there are differences between the cities. Now apparently Firenze (Florence) is a small city, though that's compared to Roma. Firenze is about 325,000 where Roma is about 3 million. I think I'll enjoy this city. It has about 12 museums and many churches.

Now you may wonder where I'm living at for the next 3 weeks. I am staying in an apartment, that is beautiful, and has a gorgeous view, which is reached after 95 steps. (Just imagine 95 stairs, 4 girls and was an interesting first impression).

"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."~Psalm 16:11


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